Corriders of Time
The Corridor of Time was a project for a villa and hotel in a richly natural villa area in Kita-Karuizawa.
The planned site was a complex land with large rocks scattered throughout and differences in elevation. Considering the site conditions and constructability, we were led to a dodecagonal building that would be located in the center of the site and stand on a flat site between the rocks. The dodecagonal shape of the building has the characteristics of a corridor, which, like the hands of a clock, can be used to go around the center of the building. Therefore, we considered the possibility of constructing a double corridor with different characteristics: an inner corridor (staircase room) and an outer corridor (living room). The first floor has an entrance to the stairwell and a deep space under the eaves with a parking space and a storage space for equipment. The third floor is an outer corridor where the main spaces, such as the living room and dining room, extend in a 360-degree circle. The inner corridor is a rough RC structure. The inner corridor is an exterior space made of rough RC construction. The wind and sounds of the wind blowing up and down, the singing of birds and insects, and the rustling of trees and leaves make it a special space that is sensitive to perceptual information other than sight, and makes the passage of time seem slow, as if we are in another world. On the other hand, the outer corridor is made of wood, creating a bright and open space with the warmth of the exposed wood structure. These two corridors, which are completely different in nature, will deeply heal both body and soul.
鈴木雅也建築設計事務所 / 鈴木雅也
KMC / 蒲池健
別荘 / ホテル